DF: Update

2020 was not the year that we had planned on the calendar, but we were fortunate enough to still have plenty of adventures. Throughout last summer I continued to work on building fitness and skills toward my self-created ultra-distance triathlon that I will be completing this August. I spent the summer exploring the mountains via bike and foot, getting a few fastpack runs and my first bikepacking trip under my belt! 

In October, I completed an Everesting challenge on the M trail here in Bozeman. Everesting is a newer challenge, typically done on bike, where you repeatedly climb a hill until you reach the cumulative elevation gain of Mt. Everest from sea level (29,029ft). It took me 34.5 laps of the M and nearly 22 hours to complete!

Vanessa and I welcomed a new member to the family, a border collie mix we found at the animal shelter. Her name is Juniper and she is well on her way to becoming our adventure pup for long days playing in the mountains. Our 5 yr old miniature dachshund Luna wasn’t exactly thrilled about the newest addition, but they have slowly grown to tolerate each other, and enjoy pestering one another. Perhaps one day they will even love each other!

2021 is shaping up to be a busy year. Should everything go as planned (barring any further pandemic closures or lock-downs), May through November look full of races, family weddings, and camping trips!